Expected minimum standards of behaviour and conduct

As an Archery Association of Malta official, coach, or member I will:
• Respect the spirit of fair play in archery
• Adhere to the Rules of Shooting and the spirit of archery
• Display and promote high standards of behaviour
• Promote fair play – be impartial, fair and consistent
• Endeavour to ensure the sport is enjoyable for everyone
• Be on time for training, competitions and events
• Never engage in, or tolerate public criticism of fellow archers, coaches or officials.

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of my fellow archers
• Speak to fellow archers, coaches, judges and officials with respect
• Always respect the confidentiality of archers
• Treat other people’s data as I would wish them to treat mine
• Always have the best interests of archers at heart
• Always endeavour to ensure my own safety and the safety of others
• Never participate when under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• Ensure that activities carried out by archers are suitable for their age, strength, maturity and the
ability of each individual participant
• Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each archer above everything including standards of
• Explain exactly what is expected of archers and what they can expect of me
• Ensure all parents/carers of young archers understand these expectations
• Have a working knowledge of our facilities (Standard/Emergency Operating procedures, Risk
Assessments etc.)

  Promote the reputation of archery and take all possible steps to prevent it from
being brought into disrepute
 Accept success and failure, victory or defeat with dignity
 Encourage each archer to accept responsibility for their own behaviour/performance
 Realise my responsibility as a role model and set a positive example to all those involved in
 Never use a privileged position of authority/trust to exert influence over others
 Always have appropriate boundaries between positions of trust and friendships
 Never engage in any inappropriate personal relationships
 Show respect and moderation on social media especially within political and religious

Protect others involved in archery from verbal or physical abuse, threatening,
intimidating or discriminatory behaviour
• Never engage in or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
• Never engage in or tolerate bullying, intimidation or harassment
• Never use or tolerate the use of social media to engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment

Take personal responsibility:
 To ensure that I am suitably insured for archery
 To ensure that I am physically and mentally fit to practice archery
 To update Archery Association of Malta with changes to personal information.

Breaking the Code of Conduct

By joining the Archery Association of Malta, all members agree to abide by this Code of Conduct, the
Statute, and all Archery Association of Malta policies, rules, regulations and procedures.

The Archery Association of Malta therefore has the right to take disciplinary action, in line with its
Statute, against any alleged breaches of this Code of Conduct or its policies, rules, regulations and
procedures, which may harm the Archery Association of Malta or its members.